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Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide

by Edited by Christine A. Courtois and Julian D. Ford

Evidence-based assessment procedures are detailed, and innovative individual, couple, family, and group therapies are described and illustrated with case vignettes and session transcripts.

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Chronic childhood trauma, such as prolonged abuse or family violence, can severely disrupt a person's development, basic sense of self, and later relationships. Adults with this type of history often come to therapy with complex symptoms that go beyond existing criteria for PTSD. This important book brings together prominent authorities to present the latest thinking on complex traumatic stress disorders and provide practical guidelines for conceptualization and treatment. Evidence-based assessment procedures are detailed, and innovative individual, couple, family, and group therapies are described and illustrated with case vignettes and session transcripts.

"Treatments based on a traditional conceptualization of PTSD are frequently insufficient to address the diverse, long-lasting, and pervasive effects of complex trauma. This book offers a comprehensive review of treatment considerations, assessment measures, best practices, and evidence-based treatment approaches specifically tailored for psychotherapy with people who have experienced prolonged abuse and neglect by caregivers. An indispensable guide for any mental health professional who works with trauma survivors."
-Pamela C. Alexander, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Wellesley Centers for Women
"This is the single best source for clinical expertise in complex traumatic stress disorders. Leading clinicians and researchers share a rich array of individual, couple, family, and group therapy models that illustrate basic treatment principles and best practices. Informed by recent research, the contributors cover the developmental and neurobiological background against which to frame essential assessment and treatment issues. Chapters on such pragmatic topics as vicarious traumatization and risk management offer advice on reducing stress for therapists working with these challenging cases."
-Frank W. Putnam, MD, Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

476 Pages, Size: 6 1/8" x 9 1/4"


Foreword, Judith L. Herman

Introduction, Christine A. Courtois and Julian D. Ford

I. Overview

1. Defining and Understanding Complex Trauma and Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders, Julian D. Ford and Christine A. Courtois

2. Neurobiological and Developmental Research: Clinical Implications, Julian D. Ford

3. Best Practices in Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Julian D. Ford and Marylene Cloitre

4. Best Practices in Pychotherapy for Adults, Christine A. Courtois, Julian D. Ford, and Marylene Cloitre

5. Assessment of the Sequelae of Complex Trauma: Evidence-Based Measures, John Briere and Joseph Spinazzola

6. Attachment and Abuse History, and Adult Attachment Style, Daniel Brown

7. Treating Dissociation, Kathy Steele and Onno van der Hart

8. Cultural Competence, Laura S. Brown

9. Therapeutic Alliance and Risk Management, Philip J. Kinsler, Christine A. Courtois, and A. Steven Frankel

10. Living and Working Self-Reflectively to Address Vicarious Trauma, Laurie Anne Pearlman and James Caringi

II. Individual Treatment Approaches and Strategies

11. Contextual Therapy, Steven N. Gold

12. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Christie Jackson, Kore Nissenson, and Marylene Cloitre

13. Contextual Behavior Trauma Therapy, Victoria M. Follette, Katherine M. Iverson, and Julian D. Ford

14. Experiential and Emotion-Focused Therapy, Diana Fosha, Sandra Paivio, Kari Gleiser, and Julian D. Ford

15. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Janina Fisher and Pat Ogden

16. Pharmacotherapy, Lewis A. Opler, Michelle S. Grennan, and Julian D. Ford

III. Systemic Treatment Approaches and Strategies

17. Internal Family Systems Therapy, Richard C. Schwartz, Mark F. Schwartz, and Lori Galperin

18. Couple Therapy, Susan M. Johnson and Christine A. Courtois

19. Family Systems Therapy, Julian D. Ford and William Saltzman

20. Group Therapy, Julian D. Ford, Roger D. Fallot, and Maxine Harris

Conclusion: The Clinical Utility of a Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders Framework, Julian D. Ford and Christine A. Courtois

Afterword, Bessel A. van der Kolk

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Product Code:  67-3039 List Price:  $59.99
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